Saturday, April 26, 2008

If I were voting in the primary..........

If I were to vote in the primary (which I'm not), my original deciding factor was going to be the candidates stances on Stem Cell research. My mother died 18 years ago today, she had ALS. I was 9. Stem Cell Research holds the promise of finding a treatment if not a cure for diseases like this one, and therefore I feel that we have a moral obligation to explore this. However, thanks to the Bush administration being completely ignorant, we've gone backwards rather than forwards. The one thing that made me like John Kerry above all of the other things I agreed with him on was his stance on Stem Cells. He would've pushed us back in the right direction. But with him that's now a pipe dream, and we're still moving backwards. So now, if I were voting in the Indiana Primary, I would pick the candidate based on their stance on Stem Cell Research.

However, I'm back at square 1. Both of them are for this type of research, which means that yet again, I'm unable to decide on a candidate. As I posted yesterday, I'm just going to sit the primary out and vote in the national. Either way, I feel like the democratic party will get a good candidate who will do good for our country.

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