Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cloud 9!

WOW! What a turn around from the panic stricken morning I've had! I'm on cloud 9 right now!

I've been applying for work today, but my day turned around somewhat when I got ahold of my temp agency (who technically still employs me, I'm just between assignments…..) and they wanted me to come in for a video interview and drug screening Thursday. Evidently they have a few openings, they don't pay as well as the last job, but it's better than what I've earned this week. That was the first step in my day turning around!

Then I took stock of my hustle and bustle from this week trying to get studio clients after I found out I had been laid off. I realized that I've got 4 solid sessions this week, and a few others pending! I'm totally stoked about this increase in business! I guess it goes to show that the business is out there, you just have to ask for it!

This will help my income situation of course, but I can't live off of 4 sessions. I'm going to have to really work to get more clients. I mean I'm going to have to hustle my ass off! I still don't have a day job, and even though these 4 scheduled clients and the pending bookings I have will certainly help things quite a bit, I can't let this momentum sputter and die! I have to keep the ball rolling, which means attacking this thing full force! Applying for jobs left and right, attacking new business opportunities left and right for the studio……it's going to take a lot of work. But with rewards as sweet as these, it's going to definitely be worth it if it pays off!

Fingers crossed. Wish me luck!

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