Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I was meant for more…..

Ok, anyone who knows me knows that I've always had loads of ambition. I own my own business, and I'm a musician trying to make his mark. Yeah, I've got ambition to spare! So the above title shouldn't come to a shock to many of you. I also don't want anyone to feel like I'm bitching, because that's totally not the case. I think this is just another milestone in my quest for self realization after Sarah left. Let me explain.

I'm finding happiness in many places here in Ohio. I'm making great friends, experiencing new things, and finding out a lot about myself. I'm using this as an opportunity to work on me. In general, I've not got a lot to bitch about right now. It's a very exciting time in my life. I'm happy with who and what is in my life.

But I want more. Let me explain.

Ohio is boring. It's too flat and plain (no pun intended). I woke up this morning and looked around. I realized that I'm sick and tired of this place. I love the people in my life, and I know that's more important than where you live, but I feel that I need to do something grand while I still have the chance, and that may mean a complete change in venue. If all I ever did was follow Sarah around the country, but then stay in Ohio for the rest of my life after she left…..I'd be pretty pissed at myself in 20 years. I've got an opportunity now to find out where I want to be. This is, after all, MY time.

So maybe my recent wanderlust really means something else entirely. Maybe it means that I want to see open road in front of me because I want to get the holy fuck out of Ohio!

But where would I go? Well, my head keeps longing for the Rocky Mountains. I really feel that I would start my new journey in Colorado. I've got friends and a network in that area, so it would be an easy start. But do I want an easy start? Should I start completely over and go somewhere completely new? I know for a fact that it would be in the west, but there are so many options out there! I'd have to explore my options, but I also think that part of me would just want to land in Denver and see what happens from there! I mean, why not go back to my other home to start my new life?

None of this would happen tomorrow. This would be a big process, and would take some time to plan. But know that it's now something that I'm hoping to attain soon.

As usual, thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Autism Mom said...

Hmm... I probably should quit milling about old posts and do something productive. I guess my mind is just seeking some sense...