Friday, May 27, 2011

The audacity of some people.....

I swear, people in general piss me off. The things that people think are ok to say in today's society just make me wanna scream. I grew up around arrogant racists, and sadly I admit that for a while as a young child I never knew that saying the N word was wrong! But I came around, I grew up, and I try to lead by example. But some people really test my patience!

I recenlty had to defend the Jewish faith against a horrible stereotype that they are all penny pinchers and really stingy. This was in an environment where someone should know better than to talk like that (that's all I'm going to say about that), and I looked at the offender and said "I really don't appreciate that comment". I was asked "Why, are you Jewish?", to which I replied "No, I'm not, I just don't appreciate that comment!" Then I proceeded to ignore the offender. What I really wanted to do was scream at them. I'm really pissed off right now, and can't stand to be around narrowminded people. What kind of logic does it take to think that someone has to BE gay to be offended by slander against homosexuals, or that one must BE Jewish to be offended by slander against Jews?

I suppose all that I can do when confronted by such bigotry is to call them on their bullshit and not back down. Sadly I know that racism will always be something we have to deal with in society, but I hope to do my best to show that it will not be tolerated by me.

And to the offender.......fuck you.

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