Saturday, May 21, 2011

So evidently.....

Did you ever just feel like you should write something? Did you ever just feel like you should find a way to be productive with the downtime you've been given, that otherwise would just be used up staring? Did you ever get aggrivated at having to do tasks that allowed for minimum productivity, but they simply had to be done?

I'm at the laundromat.

I had laundry machines back in February, but alas those were taken in my pseudo-divorce. They went with her, along with the bed, the dog, and most of the furniture.

Not that I'm writing to bitch about how I have nothing (even though I'm 30 and living in an empty house with very little other than the bare necessities and my studio equipment). That might be a later post for sure, but for now I'm bitching at how limited my productivity can be when I'm doing laundry a mile from home. It's frustrating. I used to be able to put my laundry in a machine in my basement and not worry about having to sit there until it was done. That would allow me to go do other things with my time. But right now, even though I have mixing projects to finish, I have to be sitting in this laundromat because in this po-dunk town of Marion the laundromats close at 9. So here I am last minute, wishing I was home finishing mixes for clients, writing this blog on my iPhone and listening to White Zombie.

I guess in a good way it gives me time to focus toward this blog. I mean, when else would I have focused time into it? In a way I was waiting til I had something to say, and I didn't have something to say til I got here. So for you, the blog readers ( anyone out there.....), this downtime is a fortunate occurance for you. You get one more glimpse into my life.

So let's talk about things. I've had some emotional moments stemming from the pseudo divorce over the last few days. I'm still fucked up evidently, and I need to work that shit out. No one else needs to be undertaken by my baggage. In a way it's good that I realize this now before I bury those issues deep and they manifest themselves in some explosive fucked up manner that embarrasses me or alientates everyone I know. This is a healing process, I don't need to rush things. I have all the time in the world.

So I've got some decisions about how I'm ready to proceed in certain areas to make. I don't wanna come out the bad guy, and in order for me to do that I fear that I have to make a tough choice. It's sad, but necessary.

I suppose we'll see how things go.

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