Friday, May 27, 2011

Coming to a town near you?

A friend called it wanderlust, and I wouldn't disagree. But I think I'm growing on an idea that would incorporate my love for music with my love for traveling and my desire to do something different with my life than I've done before. I recently stepped on stage for the first time since 2006, and since then I'm toying with the idea of doing regular performances as a solo acoustic performer.

The idea spurred somewhat from Aaron Snyder, who is a solo artist as well as the guitarist for local rock band Sever. I saw him plaing a solo acoustic set at The VIP in Hilliard, and he was taking donations for copies of his demo. All of them sold, and I know that I donated some cash to get one, so I thought to myself the next day that it might be a great idea to do a tour and adopt that concept! I go out with my acoustic guitar and hit the road. I play anywhere that'll have me, and try to sell demos for enough gas and food money to make it to the next town! I sleep in my car, or pop a tent at a campground, and keep going until I can't go anymore!

Naturally, there would be limits to this. I'd have to eventually restock my supply of CD demos to sell, and I have to be able to make my car payment and pay my bills. So this would have to be something that I tested in incriments. Being able to make a living doing that is sort of a pipe dream. But it might be fun to be a weekend warrior of sorts! I could spend one weekend a month playing shows in Columbus in the evenings while running recording sessions during the day. Then I could spend another weekend of the month playing shows elsewhere and car camping! If the car camping tour picks up to where it could be a sustainable way to earn a living, then it would be cool to be able to say I'd done that for a while in my life. But I doubt that I'd be satisfied just living on the road all the time.

Anyway, The short and sweet of it is that I'm excited about the idea and hope I get to try it soon. We'll see what this summer holds! I might be coming to a town near you!

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