Saturday, November 19, 2011

My spiritual side.

My 5 year plan focused heavily on personal accomplishments in the physical world, but left out the spiritual side.

Now, first things first, I'm not really a believer in any organized religion. But I do believe that we all have a spiritual side. This would be the side of us that helps us feel love, hate, and any other emotion we have.

I want to be a much more open and honest person than I am today. I'm very open and honest with certain people, but with regards to others I'm shrouded in a veil of sheltered secrecy. I want to stop that, because ultimately it doesn't matter. I am who I am, I feel what I feel, I like what I like, I love who I love, I think what I think, and I'm entitled to all of that. Anyone who wants to say anything about is likely incapable of being able to be completely open and honest with themselves, or they are holding on too tightly to being judgmental. I don't want to be judgmental. I want to be spiritually sound and happy, and I want to enjoy life. I want to seize every day, and enjoy my time here, because I only have so much time here.

If I stick to this new desire to live life openly in the spiritual sense, you may find some very heartfelt and personal blog posts in the future. This would merely be an attempt to move beyond certain things that are plaguing my mind so that I can come out on the other side as a happy, spiritually healthy individual.

I hope to look back on these early blog posts in 5 years and be able to visibly see the changes happen as time goes on. Life is about evolution, adaptability, change, and striving for freedom. Let's hope I can accomplish those things in the coming 5 years.

Friday, November 18, 2011

I am the 99%

I was born in poverty. My mother had a terminal illness diagnosed around my birth, and was unable to work to provide for my sisters and I. My grandparents had to support all of us on their retirement income, and when mom died, my grandparents continued to raise us on their meager income.

When evidence of a heart attack that forced my grandfather into retirement 20 years earlier could not be found, his benefits were taken away and he had to deliver newspapers to keep food on the table for his wife and grandchildren. He was in his 80's.

I've never had money, but I've been working like crazy to make ends meet. I attained a degree in 2004, and got a job that summer, but left it for personal reasons to move to a different state. Then the economy collapsed, and I was never able to find work in that field. I gave up, went back to school to study business, and am now an entreprenuer determined to claw my way out of the trenches.

But I'm also a full time student (working on degree #2) with a full time job. Most entrepreneurs don't earn a dime for the first two years, so I can't rely on my business to pay the bills yet. Unable to afford to just go to school, and unable to make ends meet yet with my business ventures, I have to pull full time hours to keep the lights on. That job is a temp job, which is all I've been able to find over the last 18 months.

That job had a massive layoff over the summer, and I was let go. At 30 years old with no savings, I found myself on unemployment and dumpster diving for scrap metal to make ends meet. My temp job asked me to come back at the end of the summer, and I accepted, but the downtime put a major dent in my ability to save for the future.

Determined to make a serious change, I shifted my focus and started saving. In just a few months, I had $600 in the bank. But then medical issues, and a lack of health insurance, derailed the savings I had built up and caused me to miss work.....which put me further in the hole. Now I'm back to square one.

Life should not be a constant struggle to keep your bills paid. Health issues should not derail the finances of you or your family, as they have done so often in my life.

I am overworked
I am overstressed
I am going deeper into debt to change my life on the gamble that it'll pay off.
I'm underpaid and struggling.

I am the 99%.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The 2nd Amendment

I saw a really cool youtube video posted on facebook just now.

I like the music, kinda makes it seem comical. It's actually really cool to watch……

…..however I've noticed that some are using this as a reason to argue that "the government had better never take our guns away!"

Dude, nobody's trying to take anyone's fucking guns away. That's all just half-witted rhetoric that was started as a way of branding all Democrats as a bunch of pussies who just want everyone to hug each other and never be able to defend ourselves. That's far from the truth.

That being said, here's my take on gun control.

Let's ask the question of why we want, or need, guns.

"I want to be able to hunt"

Ok, so what are you hunting?

Ok, in that case, be a man and grab a bow and arrow. Better yet, man up and cut the little cute defenseless rabbit ear to ear with your little swiss army knife!

"But I wanna use a GUN!"

Ok, there are a good variety of them that will do the job.

There's a handgun…..

…..a hunting rifle…..

… AK 47.....WAIT!

So you wanna use THAT………to hunt THIS!?!????


I think your going a little excessive with the firepower! That level of firepower seems like it would be better suited to this kind of sport!

Hmm, isn't that interesting that they seem to be holding similar guns?!

Bottom line…..
You don't need excessive firepower. I don't give a flying fuck about whatever guns you own. I don't care if you're stockpiling because you're worried that some republican talk show host told you that Obama was going to take your fucking guns away. It's not gonna happen, mind you, but you have the right to own a firearm in this country.

That being said, I don't believe that a weapon like an AK-47 should be owned by civilians. Those are army weapons, and the army should be in charge of those. You'd be freaked out if I bought a tank or an A-bomb, and I'm equally freaked out knowing that my neighbor might possess the kind of firepower that could dispatch a small crowd lined up against a wall in 30 seconds.

I'm done.