Saturday, November 19, 2011

My spiritual side.

My 5 year plan focused heavily on personal accomplishments in the physical world, but left out the spiritual side.

Now, first things first, I'm not really a believer in any organized religion. But I do believe that we all have a spiritual side. This would be the side of us that helps us feel love, hate, and any other emotion we have.

I want to be a much more open and honest person than I am today. I'm very open and honest with certain people, but with regards to others I'm shrouded in a veil of sheltered secrecy. I want to stop that, because ultimately it doesn't matter. I am who I am, I feel what I feel, I like what I like, I love who I love, I think what I think, and I'm entitled to all of that. Anyone who wants to say anything about is likely incapable of being able to be completely open and honest with themselves, or they are holding on too tightly to being judgmental. I don't want to be judgmental. I want to be spiritually sound and happy, and I want to enjoy life. I want to seize every day, and enjoy my time here, because I only have so much time here.

If I stick to this new desire to live life openly in the spiritual sense, you may find some very heartfelt and personal blog posts in the future. This would merely be an attempt to move beyond certain things that are plaguing my mind so that I can come out on the other side as a happy, spiritually healthy individual.

I hope to look back on these early blog posts in 5 years and be able to visibly see the changes happen as time goes on. Life is about evolution, adaptability, change, and striving for freedom. Let's hope I can accomplish those things in the coming 5 years.

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