Thursday, June 7, 2012


Here I sit. It's been a good few days at home with the girls, but that can be exhausting even without the autism. But I'm worried.

The studio is behind schedule. There's an acoustical issue with the building that needs resolved. There's red tape with Grove City. There's an electrical transformer that needs to be shipped that's behind schedule. I only have so much of a budget and so much time to ride out that budget, and the clock is ticking fast.

So that gets me worried. What if I can't compete? What if I'm looked at and laughed out of the industry? What if these cats who are younger than me with half the gear (which isn't much) and half the skills undercut me and put me out of business (so they can propagate the scene with a shitty product)?

It's a mild panic, and I'll welcome that. But I won't dwell on it. The only way to know is to try.

Columbus, here I come.

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