Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The more you know...

When I started my 5.5 year plan almost 2 years ago, I had a long way to go. I've come a long way, but the further I come the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I evaluate. I thought I was so smart then with my plan, although looking back I didn't really have a plan. I merely had a destination, and was guessing along the way how to get there.

I now have some of the tools needed to make this a plan instead of just a destination without direction. I don't have them all, I'm working on that though. For instance, I'm in school.

About that. The more I learn about money and interest rates, the more I feel like I'm wasting my time taking out student loans to get a second degree in what I'm already doing. I own two small media businesses, and I'm bored in school already. I haven't even made it to the media labs, but the storyboarding class just has me not interested.

But in one class I've been a very attentive student. This class has me geeking out on the course topic in ways that I used to geek out about media production. This is because the information learned in this class can help me and my family in the long term, and it just seems like a good direction to go in considering my current interest level.

I'm talking about Finance. The class is Personal Finance 101, and it has me absorbing finance materials outside of class. I've even become a regular listener to the Dave Ramsey show!

So I'm considering changing course to get a Finance degree. After all, if I learn more about finance, it can help me with my business endeavors and help me learn how to grow my finances for my family. It just seems like a no brainer right now.

So I've got some thinking to do. Time to discuss it with Laura in depth and make a decision together about what I should do, as that's the way I like to make decisions in this relationship. We're in it together, so my new ventures impact her. We're equal, we're family. It's for this family that I consider this change. So we'll see what happens.

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