Monday, September 26, 2011


As if I haven't had a million reminders in my life of it's finite nature, last night was one of the ones that hit home. Having spent time in the ER wondering if I'd had a mild heart attack, and thinking that if I died last night, that I would be heartbroken for not being able to see my mountains again or accomplish what I wanted in life (though not regretful of my life so far, aside from any pain I've caused anyone in my days on earth) makes me take stock.

I have a lot I wanna accomplish in life, both career wise and personally. I've only got a limited amount of time to get what I want, but what's more important? In the end, my personal life is far more important than my professional life. If I never reach any of my professional goals, I'd die happy knowing I tried. But if I reached all my professional goals, but my personal life were hell, that would leave me feeling empty.

So yeah, the personal is more important. So now what?

Well, I'm not shifting my goals, but I know I'd be happy if I never reached the professional ones, as long as I was able to reach my personal goals. Those would be a life without debt, lived with someone I love, and being able to make my mountains a part of my life again. If I don't accomplish anything else in my life, I can die happy knowing that I've accomplished those things.

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