Sunday, September 18, 2011

A new relationship

So I'm in love again. I'm not saying that I really like someone, or that I smile when I think about them. I'm talking off the deep end, can't believe I lived my life without this person until now.

I'm so happy to have reconnected with you Laura.

Laura and I met in High School where we were good friends. We lost touch about 13 years ago, and not long after that I first met Sarah. If you read my blog, you know that Sarah just left me in February. It wasn't long after that Laura came back into my life.

Naturally, after a 12 year relationship, there were periods of confusion that I went through before I truly saw what I wanted. I blogged about many of them. I can only say thank you to Laura for standing by me while I went through that period, even though I tried to throw you away (which I don't understand in hindsight, and I feel like a giant dick face for it).

Recently my fog cleared, and I realized that what I actually wanted was right in front of me. I haven't felt this pure of a connection with another person in my life. I look back at my time of confusion, and I feel sorrow for putting her through such heartache, but I feel so lucky that she's still in my life.

I love you Laura. Thank you for not giving up on me.

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