Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Thanks North Carolina / Colorado / Ohio

North Carolina today passed a ban on same sex marriage. Many of those supporting it allegedly did not know that the bill would also ban civil unions, and when informed they stated that they would not support it. Well, it's too late for that now. The facts about this discriminatory legislation were evidently muddied and now it's been passed.

The same thing happened in Ohio during the Bush administration. Members of my own family who supported the discriminatory same sex marriage ban refused to believe me when I told them that same sex marriage was already illegal in the state, and that they had now banned civil unions. Way to research your facts before you vote.

Colorado was holding a vote on civil unions last night in the house, but the republicans filibustered. They spent time talking about the lack of trans fats in Oreo's. Eventually, the Colorado house ruled that there would be no vote on civil unions.

I've become used to bigotry in my home state of the buckeye. I grew up surrounded by racists, and was taught the N word before I knew any better. I used it casually as a kid, and am appauled at that now. As soon as I was old enough to realize that it was wrong, I stopped. But those surrounding me made me feel that I was in the minority in my open minded beliefs. So it's little wonder that the same closed minded people would be closed minded at the thought of same sex marriage. I wasn't that surprised. I have faith in my fellow man, but no faith in the uneducated racists I grew up amongst.

But North Carolina, and Colorado.....

I'm disappointed in you. Stop marriage discrimination. End marriage inequality.

Strip away the gender of the person in question. Strip away your religious beliefs.

How can you tell one person they can marry their significant other, and another that they are disgusting for wanting the same right?

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