Wednesday, May 2, 2012

610 WTVN's Hot Mom Contest.

In Columbus Ohio, we're not a huge radio market. We are a market full of the typical morning show, with the "zaney morning zoo" or the "disgusting shock jock who offends". We've also got the AM political talk and newsradio station, which in this case is 610 WTVN. It leans conservative, but I've worked there before and they had local talent that didn't bring up politics ALL the time.

They would occasionally try things to get ratings, which is exactly what they should be doing. It's radio. Without listeners, they can't deliver the product to the customers. The listeners are the product, and the customers are the advertisers. So they do what they think will get people to listen, trying to generate hardcore fans of the stations broadcasts. These fans hear the ads played on the station, and shop at the advertisers businesses. The advertisers are paying for exposure to an audience, which is how radio works.

So it's no surprise to me that things will get done to engage the listeners and try to get ratings. It's their job after all! I remember being in the newsroom one day when John Corby broke the worlds record ON THE AIR for stuffing the most hamburgers in his mouth. It was as disgusting as it was entertaining.

I had respect for the station, even though I didn't agree politically. I knew the people, and I knew them to be good people. But I moved away from Ohio in 2006 and left that job. I've kept in touch with some of them since via facebook, but I digress.

Lately I've noticed that this respectable talk radio station is confusing itself with the local shock jock morning zoo station. They've started a "Hot Mom" contest, in which you would submit pictures of hot mothers. Aside from finding entertainment in the objectification of women deplorable, I can't believe that a respected talk / news outlet would stoop to this. This not only seems to not be catering to the demographic I was under the impression that they should be catering to, but it's a step above fart jokes on a station that many respect for their higher standards of radio. Using sex to get ratings? Who are you, Howard Stern?

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