Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dear Autism...

Thank you for helping me learn patience. Thank you for helping me learn to control my anger. Thank you for helping me learn that it's ok to depend on someone else, and for someone else to depend on you.

That being said...FUCK you.

Fuck you for making things difficult.
Fuck you for robbing my children of a chance at self reliance.
Fuck you for making every day tasks a struggle.
Fuck you for making every day a struggle.
Fuck you for all the sleepless nights.
Fuck you for all the meltdowns.
Fuck you for robbing my daughter of the ability to speak.
Fuck you for robbing both of my daughters.
Fuck you for all the stress.
Fuck you for making it 5 times more difficult just to get ahead in life.

Fuck you Autism.

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