Thursday, January 10, 2013

Stress relief?

Last night was a tough night at my new easy going day job. Having to restrain someone with a Developmental Disability plays a mental toll on someone like me, as their screams echoed through my head all day. But it's part of the job, and it's in their treatment plan, and I like this family quite a bit, so I'll deal with it.

But the stress from that had me scatterbrained this morning. Couple that with a week full of my own daughter's autism meltdowns (every morning about the same thing all week, lasting for hours, and requiring physical intervention), and my brain is just tired. And yet somehow I managed to lose my debit card today, and not find it til 3 hours after my shift was over, but my empty gas tank kept me from going to work at all today.

So I'm stressed. I need a release. I need some way of relieving it. I just have to figure out how. I'm calm, but a person can only suppress that kind of stress for so long before it starts causing tension headaches and wearing down at you. I feel that this is starting to happen...and school starts Monday. YAY! More stress!

So in the midst of my stress I let my own anxiety get the best of me today, and I had to bring my brain back to reality because I was going overboard worrying about the most ridiculous things. I felt like everyone was out to get me, and my brain was running wild with that feeling. It's quite debilitating.

Laura, whom I normally turn to for help when I'm feeling mentally weak, is on call this week and quite stressed out herself. So I'm trying not to lean too hard on her, at least for now. But this means that it's easier for my head to run wild.

So I'm trying to bounce back from that. It's a work in progress, but I'm fighting. Today was not a good mental health day.

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