Monday, September 5, 2011


I feel worthless right now. I sent my financial information to my beloved uncle who has expressed interest in helping me get out of the hole. Quite frankly, I hate how proud and stubborn I can be, and it's those qualities that are causing me to feel worthless. I hate feeling like this, but quite frankly I hate being in this situation too. I don't know what the outcome of these interactions will be, but there's no way of saving my dignity in this. I may as well just swallow my pride and see what happens, but that's really hard when you feel worthless.

I'll be ok, but this feeling sucks.

1 comment:

Autism Mom said...

Aww, you know you're not worthless though. It sucks, but you're working very hard to make things better. Remember that you're not sitting idly waiting for someone to save you. You're working hard to get to a better situation. :)