Sunday, September 4, 2011

Turning the corner?

Ok, I make no bones about the fact that my financial situation sucks. But I'm a proud person. This means that even though I'm public about the fact that I'm poor at the moment, I don't wanna be a charity case and I don't wanna ask people for money. My stubborn grandfather, who raised me, instilled this quality into me, and I value it. It means that I don't wanna seek a hand out, cause I'd rather hustle and bustle to get where I need to be through hard work and sacrifice…..

…but sometimes we all need help. I'm in no position to turn it down if it's offered.

My uncle has heard of my current situation, and is offering to extend an olive branch of sorts. He wants to know how deep in the hole I am, and when he gets the numbers he said "we'll talk". That's not a promise that he'll write me a check, and I do not expect him to do so. Even if all he did was guide me to where I need to be through well thought out steps designed to get me out of this mess, I'd owe the world to him. It hasn't been often that my family has been able to help me in life, largely because of my stubborn side, but I won't lie that if these interactions with him get me out of this mess, I'll owe everything to him and be eternally grateful.

That said, I still hate that I even find myself in this place. I don't want to be the broke 30 year old who needs family assistance to get himself on track. I hate it, but here I am. Nothing I can do about it but try to turn it around. I'm in no position to deny any blessings that come my way.

1 comment:

Autism Mom said...

Better than being the broke 31 (almost 32) year old that needs assistance. ;) We'll get back on track together. :)