Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Scarlet O'Hara

I've decided the best therapy for dealing with the troubles I have is to be unashamed of them and relatively public about them. Not that I'm waving a flag that says "Hey, look! I'm POOR! Give me sympathy!" But if you're open about it, it helps you accept things and realize what needs to change, and gives you some motivation to chnge it............well, at least it does for me.

So I've had a bit of a rough morning today. But that's ok, because it's part of being human. The things I've had trouble with weren't emotional, at least not directly. They were financial issues that I'm having that happened to stare me down this morning and make me feel like I'm completely worthless and will never get out of the hole I'm in.

I'm not going to go into too much detail, but you know that feeling that you just wish someone would help you out, but no one can? You know that feeling of knowing that no matter how hard you try, you're one uncontrollable incident away from complete catastrophic failure of epic proportions? Well, that's me today. I had some reminders of just how close to the edge I am. It's hard to stay optimistic during times like this.

But then I remember a movie I saw about a decade or so (give or take) ago. Tuesdays With Morrie (Which is appropriate, because today is Tuesday). The guy was dying, and one thing he said always stuck with me. The paraprased version of it is that he would allow himself to feel self pity, but only for a moment. He would allow it because it was a human emotion, and it was ok to feel the emotions he felt. But since it wasn't going to do any good to himself or anyone around him to wallow in it, he would allow it for only a moment. I'm not sure if it was an irrational fear response, or if it was actually an excellent coping mechanism, but I feel the need to follow this advice.

Right now I'm feeling relatively worthless, and like the road out of my current financial situation is long and extremely hard. I feel like there are a million things stacked against me, and that at any time I could fail by one small slip. I don't feel that it's fair, but my life has never been about what's fair. I don't feel that I deserve to be in this situation, but my life (and especially this year) hasn't been about what I deserve. It's going to be a struggle, but my entire life has been about struggle in one way or another. I won't go into it, but know that I'm not just saying that I've had to struggle for dramatic effect. I've had it better than a lot of people, but I've also had to fight for what I have with very little support in my favor. So yeah, I'm familiar with struggling. It's nothing new at this point. But the saving grace for me is that I'm willing and able to do what it takes to turn my situation around. I admit that I went dumpster diving 8 days ago to get scrap metal that I could take to the scrap yard. That load, combined with other materials I had collected, earned me an extra $56 this week, so I'm not ashamed of it because it helped put gas in my car and food on my table, but I do not want to be depend on that any longer than I absolutely have to. It's embarrasing to be that guy, and it's embarrasing to admit it to the world on a blog, but my hope is that one day I will be able to look back on this blog and be able to see it from the other side, and be reminded of what I had to go through to get there.

I freely admit that I am struggling because I am trying to stop being ashamed of things that are perfectly normal for humans to go through. I know plenty of people who are struggling financially, so why should I be ashamed of going through something that so many people are going through with me? The fact of the matter is that in order to change my situation, I have to accept it and find the determination to pull myself out of it. The Tuesdays With Morrie lesson that I mentioned above is one way of helping myself mentally to get through this. I allow myself the feeling of panic and desolation that comes with my current situation, then I swallow it and find the strength to pull myself out of it. I'm bound and determined to have what I want out of life, and am feeling very Scarlet O'Hara right now (again). lol.

And one of the main reasons that I blog about my struggles is that it helps me to feel better about it, get it out of my system, and regain my confidence in my abilities to pull myself up. If I get the negativity out of my system, and put it out for everyone to see, I also feel more determined to keep up my efforts to pull myself out because now I have accountability. If others are watching and I do nothing, then I feel like even more of a failure than I would if no one was watching and I did nothing. So doing all of this is sort of my own way of keeping myself from resting on my laurels.

So here I am, feeling better after writing this blog, and I'm feeling empowered again. I'm having another Scarlet O'Hara moment.

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