Friday, August 26, 2011

Job security

Here I sit at my cubicle about to write a blog post about lack of Job Security while on a work computer. Yeah, stupid, I know, but this isn't what it seems like on the surface. I'm not bitching about my job. I'm glad to be back in this cubicle! Rather I'm ranting about the lack of Job Security as a whole........Anywhere. It's a myth. It doesn't exist. That's one thing I kept telling my co-workers before I was downsized over the summer, and it's something that I continue to believe now that I'm back in my cubicle. There's no such thing.

If you're going to attain financial security, it's something you have to fight for and get ono your least for someone who isn't a trust fund baby like me. For me, this will be a struggle, and will have many pitfalls. The odds are stacked against me, I'm in debt and have a low income. Most of that low income is eaten up by that debt, and there's hardly enough left to set back for savings. It seems almost impossible, but I know that it's not. It can't be.

So the propositions ahead of me are as follows.

A - Continue to work for, and be completely dependant on, someone else....

B - Pave my own way and get the freedom that I desire....

If you read this blog, you know my choice. But the thing is that, as I mentioned, this is much easier said than done. Right now, there's no way I could afford to live without the day job I have. I've had worse jobs, I could easily be in a far worse situation, so don't think I'm complaining. I actually like this job! But I know what I want out of life, and this is a means to that end and is only temporary.

Today I'm fired up to make this transition as soon as possible. I'm considering what my next move would be to get me where I need to be in order to bring my 5 year plan to fruition. All I know is that I won't get there by standing still. After all, I could sit here and rely on this job to get me there, but this job could lead me astray again (I'm a temp, and they may not need me's business, and it happens).

The main point of this is a point I've made before. I'm growing more and more frustrated at not being able to live my life on my own terms. It's time to take whatever actions I can to change that.

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