Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I did something stupid. I started looking back at my twitter posts from before I left Colorado, just to see what I had been talking about. The shitty thing is that I remembered exactly what life was like for me there, and how happy I was. This made me kinda angry and resentful to Sarah, not for leaving me, but for leaving me in Ohio rather than Colorado.

There's not really any feelings left toward the relationship, that's been dead for a while now. It's going on 10 months now since she told me she needed space, and since then that crumbled and died. But the scars of what I left behind are still fresh, and I miss the rockies so much it's like an ache.

So here I sit, up later than I should be, looking at tweets about installing a raindirk console, or packing up for a mobile session with Alpha Omega in Westminster, or bitching about the 3 inches of snow in early May, and wishing like hell that I could just get that all back. I feel like I got a real raw deal, and am relatively pissed about it.

I'll be fine in the morning, but I just needed to vent.

Good night.

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