Thursday, August 25, 2011

Under the tree this year.....

This holiday season will be much different for me in many ways. This year, instead of having a steady income, and a 12 year tradition of overspending on one person, I'll have a low income and no tradition of spending because this will be my first holiday without Sarah since 1998.

So here I am at the end of August, with my new life still in it's infancy, and all I can think about is what I've lost.

Not WHO I've lost, but WHAT I've lost.

Anyone who reads this blog knows that I have a growing need to be in the mountains again. It's getting worse every day that I'm away from them. It's like falling in love with the most beautiful person in the world, and being separated from them against your will.

So here's what I want for the holidays this year. Gas money. A place to crash out west for a few days. An escape from Ohio with a beautiful lady. Enough money to justiy taking a week off of work unpaid so that I can not worry about how I'll put food on my table when I get back.

If you want to make me happy this year, put a trip under the tree.

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