Saturday, August 27, 2011

Getting Harder With Time

I hate when people tell me that I need to learn to be happy where I am. I've heard it from an ex girlfriend and from a friend, and I know that other people may have thought it when they've heard me complain about missing Colorado. It's almost like these people just don't get it in any way shape or form. The more time passes that I'm away form Colorado, the HARDER it gets for me. It's not getting any easier, and it's starting to become sort of an obsession of mine. All I look at online now are pictures of the Rockies. I watch videos that I shot in Colorado, and get lost in them, and when I turn around and find myself in Marion, I lost it just now when that happened.

I don't care if anyone thinks I sound like a whiny pussy fawning over some fucking mountains. I'm secure enough in myself to admit things to myself and others. I'm in love with those mountains, and losing them was one of the hardest things I've had to cope with in my adult life.

I need to get back. The sooner the better. I love everyone in my life in Ohio, but they can't know what I'm feeling.

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