Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Flip Mode!

I'm bout to flip it on em!

Ok, I was all pissed about money earlier today, but now I'm optimistic as hell about the not so distant future! It's not that anything in particular happened, it's more that I'm seeing the potential behind he financial steps I'm taking to get me out of the hole and give me the life I want to live! I'm beyond excited, I'm ecstatic!

Let's summarize.

Money coming into the studio will be used for the purposes of building the studio. 20% of it will go to pay for my own utilities since the studio is housed in my home, but the rest of it would go toward the studio.

But instead of just spending it when I get enough saved to buy a new interface for my pro tools rig, I'd let it sit in an interest bearing savings account. Once a year, or quarter, or bi annually (still not sure), I'd make purchases based on what the most pressing needs are for the studio, and on how well the studio did in the most recent quarter. If my earnings were low over the preceeding quarter, then it might be smarter to put some of the capitol I'd earned into marketing and advertising to boost busines, while holding on to the rest in case an emergency comes up (the cat knocks over the iMac........).

The same could be applied in different ways to my musical endeavors. My solo project and Project DIVIDE would need a minor investment from my school overage to cover the costs of materials, iTunes placement, duplication, and mastering. Then a small run of CD's is printed, and when they are sold the money earned from their sale goes right back into producing more CD's to sell. A larger run is produced, and when they are sold, another run of the same size is produced, and some of the extra money is used to promote the CD's that are for sale! And thus, the cycle (hopefully) continues!

And of course my musical endeavors would be paying money into the studio, and raising awareness OF the studio, so each one is in some ways crucial to each other! Let me use Project DIVIDE as an example. Although nothing is in writing yet, it has been discussed that the revenues from this venture would be split 50/50. 50% would go to the sustenance of the business, and 50% would go to the individual members. There are two members, so each of us would get 25% of the total revenue for ourselves. Josh can do what he wants with his, but I'd likely be paying all of my share to Skyline Sound Studios to increase it's revenues. Bear in mind that the funds for Skyline would be in an interest bearing account, so I'd be earning interest on any money that is paid to Skyline, while taking 20% of the total revenues to apply to my household utilities (since Skyline is housed in my home, it only seems fair....).

Couple all of that with some really great promotional schemes that I'm concocting (I'm not telling), and you've got a recipe for some decent financial gains! We'll see what happens!

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