Monday, October 17, 2011

A promotion?

Ok, I can't go into what I'd be doing, but I'm psyched about the status of my day job. Just a few months ago, I was a temporary employee who was let go because of a lack of work. That makes sense, if there's no work there's no reason to pay people to sit there on the clock. I was brought back in August and have been doing my best to make myself a valuable employee. Ok, sure, if you read this blog, you know that I have other ambitions in life that involve self employment, but I'm not there yet. For now, I have to rely on the cheddar this job brings in. So I've been doing my best to improve my performance at the job so that if cuts are made again, I'm harder to let go.

It must be working. My boss has repeatedly been pointing out how well I'm doing here, and approached me today to train me in another department. Evidently, I'm increasing my value at the company!

So in essence, there's no pay raise (yet), but I just got a promotion!


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