Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Turning a corner?!

I'm feeling good right now! A few things have been going my way, and I'm happy about that (obviously). I've got some great business ideas that I won't discuss here yet, but they could help elevate me to the level I want to be. But aside from that, a few things personally have been going my way. We'll talk about some of those.....

First of all, I've been able to get a small savings of less than $1000, but more than $500. It's not what I wanted to have had out of my overage, but quite frankly I've had some bills to pay that were acruing after the job loss over the summer (not to mention the expense of textbooks), so I'm happy about having what I have right now. 1 month ago, I had less than $1 in my savings. I had to pull out the $99 I had saved over the summer to get some bills paid. But now, that's changed, and I've been setting back some of each check coupled with part of my studio earnings and my school overage. Now I have a nice little cushion! It's not much, and if I were to lose all forms of income it would deplete REALLY quick, but it's better than where I was.

Then, I got a bit of a bail out from my uncle. I've not asked him for money since this summer when I asked them to help me cover August's rent, but he's been offering me help to get me out of the woods and I'll forever be greatful! He recently asked me for information regarding my debts, and after I sent him a full report of what I owe, he sent me a $500 check to help me get back on top of things. That was over a month ago, and I've been waiting to hear from him since then, but he's a busy guy and difficult to reach.

Well, I recieved a letter from him on Friday that included a check, and a letter stating that he wanted me to use that check to pay off one of my 3 credit cards! I've since done so, and I only have 2 in my name now instead of 3! It's nice to have that cleared out of the way, cause I'd originally used that credit card to pay off some medical bills that were in collections about 5 years ago, and I quickly maxed it out. It stayed maxed out the ENTIRE TIME! By now, with a $500 limit, at 26.99% APR, I've paid off those medical bills & THEN SOME! Also, I was stupid with it, and would use it for stupid things like fast food when I knew there was a little bit of room on it. Obviously, if you read this blog, you know that I've since wised up to how stupid my financial actions were, and am trying to reverse the damage before it gets worse. So this opportunity to just pay off the card, which at that point was over limit, is a big sigh of relief for me as it will free up those assets to go to my other cards and car loan, and allow me to have more disposable income if it were needed for other things!

As soon as I got his check, I went online and made the payment! Over the weekend, it was processed, and yesterday I was GIDDY to see that the balance was Zero and the card was closed!

If that was the extent of my uncle's generosity, I'd be ecstatic. But on Saturday I spoke with him on the phone and he expressed interest in helping me get the next two cards paid off over the next two months! I don't expect him to do this, but honestly if he did it would be a HUGE sigh of relief! I felt like I was really in over my head over the summer, and now it seems that some things are finally going my way! I attribute it to a few things, one of which being my not being shy about needing help, and one being my new dedication to managing my assets.

That said, there are other things that are happening too. It would seem that my once estranged father, who I didn't really talk to until around my birthday in 2009 (I'd have been turning 28 - I've forgiven and moved on, we now keep in touch), has recently gone through a breakup and needs a place to stay for a few weeks. I've offered to let him stay at my place for a weekly rent of $100. It's a short term arrangement, and I can't see him being here more than 2 months tops, but he needs a place to hang his head and I have a spare bedroom. This extra $100 each week would be an obvious help to regaining my financial health. He's expected to move in later this week, and I've converted my band lounge back to a bedroom for his use during this time.

So monetarily, things are turning around. But that's not the only thing that's going well. I'm happy with a new relationship, and I can't imagine being with anyone else. I've got some really cool business ideas that I'm working on. School is in full swing, and I'm uber busy these days between classes and various mixing projects. In general, things are better than they were not that long ago, and I'm starting to feel a sense of stability. I walked through the fire, I got burned, but the wounds are healing and I'm back in action!

I'll post more as it happens, but this is all good news. Thanks for reading.

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