Sunday, April 8, 2012

Honing my craft.

I got up this morning feeling productive. I drank my coffee, then took my daily walk with my iPhone loaded with pod casts. The podcast of choice for today….Sales Guy's Quick And Dirty Tips For Getting The Deal Done.

As I walked and listened to the podcast, they said one thing that showed me what I needed to do. They said to never forget that sales is merely discovering the need of the client, and telling them how you can meet that need. So in order to find out what their needs may really be, you should ask a lot of questions to really find the best way you can meet their needs.

While listening to this on my daily 2 mile walk, I pulled out my phone and started asking musicians on Facebook about their musical projects. Instead of coming in with "Hey I have a studio", I heard them out to see what they needed and found out what they were currently up to. When I found an in, I mentioned how I could help with a specific need they were having without being too pushy. It seems to have struck up several conversations today on Facebook that could lead to business.

So to anyone looking to hone their sales craft, I recommend that podcast. It's already helped me by giving me a clearer focus on how to find out what the musicians are looking for! Now I feel pumped and motivated to get out to shows and talk business with prospective clients! I've been going about it all wrong, and now I know what needs to be done!

Here I come Columbus. 4.6 years to get to the top, and I now see the path.

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