Friday, April 27, 2012


At this point, it looks more likely than not that I'll get the space in Grove City for the studio! I go to sign the lease on Monday, and deliver the deposit (thank you Uncle Rick), and then we go over construction details so the contractor can get started! To say that I'm excited would be a massive understatement.

This should all be ready for me to move into on June 1st. If that stays true, Skyline Sound Studios shouldn't need much downtime. (Enough time to move out of the old, and enough time to move into the new and get set up). Once it's all set up, and has been beta tested (may throw a free track at a friend to test things out in the new space, preferably a rock band so I can test noise levels and isolation), I'm considering an open house. This would be where I'm on the premises all day, and people can come in and out all day to view the space. Hopefully this would lead to some bookings, but even if all it does is increase awareness, I'm good.

The cheesy sentimental side of my brain is wanting to commemorate this event. It'll be my first commercial facility that isn't in a house that I happen to be also living in. It'll be a space whose sole purpose would be for audio production, and it would be in a  professional environment! This would be huge for me! So the sentimental cheesy side of my brain is envisioning a ribbon cutting ceremony or a smashed bottle on the building to launch the studio. If nothing else, it would make a great memory for me to look back on and provide a photo op, so we'll see.

At any rate, things are looking up. I'm excited to get into the space, and can't wait to see it develop over the next month!

Marion Ohio………..SUCK IT!

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