Saturday, April 7, 2012

Where next?

Laura and I crossed our second National Park together off of our lists today. We've so far hit Cuyahoga Valley National Park and Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Now we're on our hunt for the next park on our list. We've got two that we're looking at, and the goal is to hit at least one of them at some point this year.

- Mammoth Cave National Park

This park is only about 5-6 hours from Laura's house in Columbus, and for that reason may be our next park. Plus, it would be a park that I haven't been to before, so we'd be both experiencing it together for the first time. Because of it's close proximity, it may only take two full gas tanks to get there and back. If we're eating from a cooler and car camping, this should be a snap.

- Shenandoah National Park

This would be a longer trek, at about 7.5 hours via car. This would also be a first visit for both of us, and the views from Skyline Drive are reputed to be some of the most stunning scenery this side of the Mississippi. I'd love to go hiking in the area as well, as trail hopping with Laura is now one of my favorite things to do.

- Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Ok, yeah, we've been here. But there's a chance my family will reconvene in July in Atlanta, and if Laura goes with me I can see no reason not to stop in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park again with her this summer. Maybe we'll get warmer temperatures, get to see some elk, and do a little hiking? Who knows?

At any rate, at the moment I think it's best to focus on two or three to cross off the list. This may be refined as times goes on, but I feel that Mammoth Cave National Park and Shenandoah National Park are two excellent starting points within reach at some point this year.

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