Friday, September 21, 2012

Mitt Romney's supposed Gaf

Based on the stream of people I follow on facebook, many of whom were Romney supporters prior to this video being released, it would appear that Romney is about to take it in the ass HARD this November.

Here's the video, for those who haven't yet seen it.

This video came out, and Romney essentially handed the election to Obama. I can see it in the attitudes of those who are on my facebook feed who were fervently supporting Romney just two weeks ago! One person, a friend of mine who would ALWAYS attack Obama, said after the video's release that it didn't MATTER who won, we were getting screwed either way. Funny, cause two weeks earlier you were touting for one side, and now you're giving up?

It would seem that, based on my own sampling from my facebook feed, the public opinion has turned away from Romney hardcore. Even republicans in office are saying that Romney's out of touch.

Everywhere I look, the attitude against Mitt Romney seems to have shifted to one of displeasure with this man who (stating my own biased opinion here) was NEVER in touch with the struggle of the everyday American.

I'm not going to use this post to talk about why Obama's so great. I'm voting for him, that's always been a given, but this was rather a reflection of how badly Mitt Romney fucked himself by not watching what he said.

Way to piss off half of the country there Mitt......oh, I meant 47% of the country!

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