Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Taking stock of 2011

What a fucking year. A lot of good has happened, but a lot of very stressful bad things have happened too. Let's look at the bad......

Sarah leaves me.

I'm forced to adapt to life on my own for the first time in my life, at 30 years old.

I make some bad decisions in the love game.

I lose my day job.

I have to beg for money from family to pay rent.

I found myself dumpster diving for scrap metal to pay the bills.

I go into a depression of home sickness, longing for the Rockies, but knowing I can't get there because I lost my job and have no means to travel.

I get my job back, and start doing well, and start putting the pieces of myself back together financially, straighten out my love life, and start feeling optimistic about my future..............

..........but now it all might be derailed because I may have cancer?!?!

I don't necessarily believe in Karma, simply because there are a million facets to the decisions one makes, and what may be the only choice one has may be perceived by an outsider as a bad decision that will generate bad karma. I believe that life is completely random, I don't believe in a divine entity (despite my upbringing - sorry mom). I know I did nothing to deserve any of these worries.

But it doesn't make it suck any less.

1 comment:

Tracy Moore said...

I think what they are saying is prolonged acid reflux CAN lead to cancer. BUT...the kicker is you can't determine the severity of the acid reflux or start the treatment to control the acid reflux without the testing and the doctors visits, which without health insurance or financial means to do so, you are S.O.L. in figuring out what is going on, what needs done to control it, and get accurate plans in place to control the reflux. Though I don't fully agree with the whole "Socialized Medicine" plan (only because I have friends in Canada that say it can take months to be seen for things and it isn't all it seems to be from the outside, not to mention HORRIBLY HIGH taxes), I also don't believe that ones life or health is more important that someone elses based on their ability to pay. So, it's a whole cluster ****. I hope you can get what you need to get your reflux controlled so it doesn't pose a risk to the rest of your health.