Friday, February 3, 2012

Back to the drawing board.

I got laid off again. Damned temp jobs. I'm pretty stressed about it actually. It would seem that my stress levels that were accumulating (as mentioned in a blog post a few days ago) have turned so bad that I've been fighting stomach cramps with this news.

But it's not all bad news. I was starting to obviously wear thin with that job due to it's repetitiveness, compounded with the other stresses in my life, so part of me is relieved to never have to go back there. The last few days I went, I dreaded walking in the building. That's a sign that it should end, and it has now, but not by my choice.

On the upside, I've got time to focus on school and my other projects, and I can now look for a new job that won't (hopefully) be as stressful. I'm ok financially at this moment, so I'm trying to not worry about where my next meal is coming from until it gets to that point. I've already filed for unemployment, so hopefully that will kick in very soon.

I'm ok, and believe it or not the fact that I'm admitting the job loss to the blog is actually helping me feel better about it at this moment as far as my stress level is concerned. Thankfully, I implemented Phase 1 a while back, and now know how far I can stretch my current assets. Also, thankfully I've begun alternative income streams that, even though they haven't paid off yet (still working on sweat equity in those areas), will help reduce the impacts of this on me financially when they do pay off.

What breaks my heart is that my Colorado trip may not be able to happen in June, and that my move from Marion may not be able to happen by September now. So Phase 3 is on hold while I focus attention on patching up phase 1 and 2.

I won't let this deter me though. Believe it or not, I've been unable to function in the aftermath of getting the news, but now as I write this blog I'm touching on the undying confidence that I've got beneath the surface. I won't give up, I just have an obstacle to overcome. It's still very early in the scheme of things regarding my 5 year plan, and these things are going to happen to someone in the duration of a 5 year journey to self enrichment (spiritually and monetarily). I'm not going to give in, and I'm not adjusting my ultimate goal. I will have to adjust my vacation and moving from Marion goals, but that's a short term adjustment til I overcome this speed bump.

The thing I'm grateful for is that I've paid down two of my 3 credit cards. I now need any cash coming in to live on, so I can't snowball the last one yet (Fuck you NTB!), but that will come in time. Right now, I'm focusing on school, job hunting, and my various projects.

So wish me luck. Let's just hope the unemployment checks kick in soon, and let's just hope that this is one of those "blessing in disguise" deals.

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