Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Caught up in myself?

We all do it when we get excited about something good. We get lost in ourselves, and forget about things that were said to them even three hours earlier. When we're reminded of them, we remember, but we completely forget unless we're reminded.

One of the things that drove Sarah up the wall was that this would happen to me often. She'd tell me something, I'd hear it and acknowledge it, then forget about it while getting caught up in my own thing. She would swear up and down that I just didn't listen to her, when that wasn't the case.

I look at that as one of the things I could've done better in the relationship, and have vowed to try to improve on the list of things I came up with. But I did that to Laura today, and I feel like a jerk. She told me something, I acknowledged it, then asked her about it later as if she hadn't told me about it.

On one hand, I was excited about how my new control room is shaping up. Here's a pic for those of you who are curious.

On one hand, sure I was excited. But why do I completely forget about facts that I was told until the instant that I am reminded of them? This troubles me some. I don't wanna annoy or aggravate Laura the way I did to Sarah for 12 years.

Admittedly, part of it could be my Adult A.D.D. Certain things that fascinate me can very easily take over all of my thoughts and make me lose track of things. But knowing that I do this makes me worry, and I worry because of how negatively that was perceived by the previous relationship.

I guess we'll see if I can overcome this, or if it's just a part of who I am.

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