Friday, February 24, 2012

The effect

You know that feeling when you can't be with the one you love, and you know they're having a tough time? It tears you up knowing that they are going through something that you can't help them with, and nothing short of hearing from them and talking to them to make sure they are ok will help ease you mind. Now that I'm available for her, I can't reach her, and I'm feeling selfish for not getting away sooner and rushing to her side.

This is the emotional side overpowering my logical side, but then again, who ever said Love is rational? It's far from it. Love removes logic from the equation, and is such a powerful force that it can be all consuming. Right now, it's all consuming, but it's not logical. The logical side says that there's nothing I can do for her right now, and that I should just try not to worry about it until I hear from her. But the part that is overpowering me is the emotional side, which has me looking at the phone every two minutes, and checking Facebook to see if she's online, and just hoping she'll reach out to me to tell me all is well. The emotional side wants me to drive 60 miles to her house just to see with my own eyes that she's ok, while the logical side says that it's 120 miles round trip and a 2.5 hour drive. But the emotional side may win this battle.

So this is what the for worse part means when they say "for better or for worse". No, we're not married, but I can't see myself with anyone else ever again. I wanna be there for better or for worse. And even though I know I'm going through some levels of turmoil knowing that she's struggled today and I couldn't be there, I wouldn't trade having her in my life for anything. I love you Laura.

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