Monday, February 20, 2012


Here I sit in my new control room, which currently lacks acoustic treatment, so any mixing activities would have to take place via headphones until Wednesday when I will have assistance in placing the new acoustical panels. Here's a photo of the current state of the room.

The panels in the corner aren't going to look like that when all is said and done. I've wrapped them in one layer of fabric, and there will be another going over that which will be more appealing to the eye. I'm going to go get some speaker stands tomorrow in all likelyhood, as I'll be in Columbus anyway to take a test.

The panels you see in the corners, which are just leaning there for now, are helping to absorb some of the bass frequencies that were out of control in my other control room. I've graduated from this....

.....which features the ghetto-phonic blankets on the walls to help control room acoustics. It's kind of interesting to see this new phase of evolution when it's compared to what I've worked with in the past. I wish I had photos of my audio desk in Indiana, and my desk at my home on Apache Spring Drive in Conifer Colorado, but I do have my Kings Valley studio photos to start my evolution display. So let's examine. And yes, I know I've shown some of these pics in my blog before.

This was master control at my Kings Valley studio when I first moved to Kings Valley in 2009.

Thanks to a chance meeting with Bob Swanson, I graduated to this within a few months. This is likely February 2010.

Here's a video I shot giving a tour of the Kings Valley studio after Bob Swanson's generosity.

After moving to Marion, Ohio, in June 2010, I was able to take over more space for recording purposes. Now I have a live room, which is pictured below.

But my control room was far from aesthetically pleasing. It was rather ghetto-phonic, but functional. Here is my control room as of last night before tearing it down and moving it to the new control room.

And now, you see the in-progress control room for Skyline Sound Studios pictured below! This photo was taken last night after moving the gear to the new room and setting it up. There's still a lot of work that needs to be done to the new Master Control, but in just 2.5 years my studio has come a long way (figuratively and

So here I sit in my new control room, of which I'm really proud despite it's humble appearance. It'll be booming soon enough when the treatment goes up later this week, and the new speaker stands will help me increase the stereo field by allowing me to put the speakers further back away from the captains chair. The new room is going to be less embarrassing to bring clients into, while not requiring a significant monetary investment (I don't wanna put a lot of money into a place I plan on leaving by summer's end).

On that note, here I sit partially proud of the new control room, and partially contemplative of my future. My income is far less certain than it was 3 weeks ago. I'm trying to make a go of things as is, and we'll see how far I can take it, but I'm feeling kind of anxious about reaching my goals. I've got lofty ones, I realize that, but they are kind of intimidating.

I think about the 5 year goal, and I wonder what the next phase would be in getting me to that goal. I think about the possibilities of my free time, and how far I can take things now that I have the ability to focus on my life on my terms. I think about what would happen if I'm not financially stable when the unemployment runs out. I think about new ventures that I plan to undertake and what would happen if I were to fail at them.

It's a lot to think about, and those thoughts tend to keep me weighed down. I guess that's one of the other reasons I blog, because now that I'm nearing the end of the blog I'm feeling like getting off my ass and tackling the world. So sometimes, aimless undirectional rants are a good thing it would seem.

Ok, lots to do. Bye.

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