Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spiritual Fulfilment

I may be a self employed multi-preneur working for a career in the music industry, and a full time student, but the goals I'm reaching for with those ambitions are part spiritual and part financial. Those are ambitions that will shape how I live the rest of my life hopefully. But there is more to life than how you earn your money.

There's also the spiritual side. I'm agnostic, but I find a lot of spiritual healing in nature. This is obvious if you've read any of my rants about Colorado.

I was watching netflix today and found a documentary called "Ride The Divide". This 80 minute flick shows a race that took place on the Continental Divide trail, which goes from Banff Canada to the Mexico Border. I watched this movie, thinking about how much I'd LOVE to make this trip. I'm not sure I'd wanna do the race, cause that would be ridiculous, but who knows. It's almost 3,000 miles over the Rocky Mountains from north to south.

Being a fat, lazy 31 year old…..I've got some work to do. I'm gonna start riding, which will require buying a bike. But Laura's interested in doing this with me. We're talking about possibly doing TOSRV, maybe this year.

Part of me wants a new activity to be excited about, and a way of getting back to nature. I think this would be ideal, cause you'd see nature slowly, rather than at 75mph on the interstate, and you could take your time and savor it. This would also give me a new activity to keep myself in shape, cause let's face facts here. I'm getting fat.

There's also the added benefit of having a new activity to do with Laura. I'm excited to try some new things with her, and I know she's a fitness buff. Well, that's putting it lightly. Let's say that she geeks out on crossfit the way I geek out on free acoustical treatment for the studio. So having this activity that we could share, I think it could help bring us closer together.

This is just me thinking out loud (but then again, isn't that the point of a blog?), but what I'd like to try eventually before doing the Divide trail would be to ride from Ohio to Colorado and back. It's pretty much flat, and I think it would be a good test of endurance. Maybe also a ride through the Appalachian's down to Atlanta to help build up Mountain endurance……

Of course I'd need to start smaller than that, so maybe a few rides from Central Ohio to neighboring states as I get my endurance up would be in order. Who knows?

I have a goal to do the Divide trail before my 40's. We'll see if I can do it, cause I've got almost 9 full years ahead of me, so hopefully by then I'll have implemented my 5 year goal and will be financially stable enough to take long stretches of time off of work to do stupid things like this.

But this is what I'm wanting to try now. I'm really excited about this, and we'll see how it goes.

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