Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Life imbalance:

When we were kids, life was care free for the most part. This was because we had others caring for us, and didn't have to worry about life's responsibilities ourselves. Life could be good in that situation.

Then some of us become adults, and don't know how to live without being looked after. These individuals can become dependant on others through life, as they never seek to take care of themselves. 

Some of us become adults, and become worker bees. We work for a living just trying to sustain ourselves. We work ourselves to the bone just trying to keep up a certain standard, or to pay off debts, and never really are able to re-attain the worry free existence we had as children.

Then some of us become adults, and are able to become financially independant enough to actually live life care-free, regardless of what may come. These people don't worry about keeping up with anything, becuase they are able to take advantage of all that life has to offer them. They are either born into this, or work to attain it.

I don't wanna be  in the first two groups. I wanna be financially stable enough to not have to worry anymore about anything. My poor upbringing, and the debts I have, are just two of the many barriers I have to overcome to get to this point. But if Bill Gates can do it, why can't I? I don't need to be the richest man in the world, I just wanna have enough diversified income streams that I don't have to worry about the rat race anymore and can just live life the way I would if money weren't a concern.

I look at all the wonderful things life has to offer. I look at how I've lived mine. I feel disgusted. I'm giving myself the arbitrary deadline of New Years Eve 2017 to turn the tables back in my favor (my 5 year plan), but this is gonna take some real work and strategic planning. Instead of just working for a living, I aim to establish self sustaining income streams that will ensure my financial viability. Instead of paying off debts for the next 30 years, I aim to snowball them and get them out of my life at the soonest point that I am able.

Life offers a lot of wonderful things to those who have the resources available to allow them to enjoy it. I'm going after my share. Fuck poverty. Fuck debt. Fuck uncertainty. That's no way to live.

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