Monday, January 2, 2012

That Quirky Old Guy

Death is inevitable. I'm 30, and will be 31 in about 3 weeks. I still consider myself somewhat young, and I have a lot that I can do with the youth that I have left.

But what about when I get older?

After I retire, I wanna be that quirky old guy that everyone knows in a town. I wanna be that old guy in a small mountain town that everyone knows and respects, who always has some old story to tell, and who everyone knows as "old Mr. Hire."

I'm weird, I know that. But the good thing about this is that I know I want to make it to that older-than-dirt age and make it to that place in my life where I can be that guy. But I also know that I need to be able to load my life with those stories that I would one day tell. So in that, I need to live a meaningful and fulfilled life, because that old version of me would be relatively boring if I didn't have anything to say.

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