Friday, January 20, 2012

Why I support Obama.

Why do I support Obama for the 2012 presidential election?

Well, first of all, I voted for him before, and he hasn't dissapointed me.

But let's assume that we were analyzing his record from this year alone. There are a few things he's taken a stand on that make it a no brainer for me.

First of all, he's protected lands around the Grand Canyon. As a lover of our National Parks, and having been to the Canyon, I give this move a standing ovation! This alone was enough to cinch it for me.........if it needed cinching, which it didn't.

Second was his stance on SOPA. Youtube threatened to shut down in the face of SOPA, and youtube is a major part of my business model. Hence, SOPA would hurt the entrepreneur like me. Opposing SOPA helps to ensure I can conduct my business.

It's only two reasons, and I don't need to be convinced anyway, but these two issues are issues that I feel very strongly about. So I say, YES WE CAN!

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