Monday, January 2, 2012

What others think.

You know what, Fuck you.

That's the attitude I should have toward anything anyone else thinks of me. it's only their impression of me, and it doesn't define me.

Last night, drunk, posting to twitter about Colorado, I got in a conversation with a friend where it was made apparent that I whine about Colorado at levels that others take notice too. Now to be fair, the friend was being empathetic, and this isn't a pissed off rant at him. He meant well, and I thank him for talking to me. But now I realize that people may see my posts and see me as whiny.

Well, Fuck them! Again, not directed at the friend I talked to last night, but rather directed at anyone who thinks any less of me because of my posts. They can all go kiss my ass, because I don't wanna be someone who lives his life based on what others think of him. I'm living my life on my terms based on what I wanna do, and I'll do and say whatever the hell I want.

I've turned a corner, and I've turning away from being a whiner into a fighter. I've already made 2012 my bitch, she's tied up in the basement with a ball gag right now. It's time shit gets real.

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