Friday, January 6, 2012

Do something about it!

"If you love the mountains so much, why not just move back?"

Good question. It's one I get asked often, and the last time was by my brother Mike after posting a picture of Conifer Colorado to my facebook page last month.

Believe me, I've thought about it.

Now before I get started, this isn't an emo rant about longing for the majestic peaks of blah blah blah. I think my emo phase is over. Still feel the same way about it, but the whole emo whining phase is over. I was depressed, it happens. I think I'm done with that now, so moving on.....

But as I said, I've thought about it. Many times. Here's why I don't.

1 - I don't want to just start over again.

I've spent all of my 20's moving around every 2 years. I moved when I was 21 to Reynoldsburg, when I was 23 to downtown Columbus, when I was 25 to Bloomington Indiana, when I was 27 to the Denver area, and when I was 29 to Marion Ohio.

2 - I'm not financially stable

Likely because I've never been in one place long enough to get myself financially stable, I'm searching for some structure and security in my income.

3 - I now have ties to Ohio.

I now am in a wonderful relationship, have a business partner at the record label, have clients at the studio, have musical projects I've been working on with people in Ohio.......

There are a million reasons why I don't just pick up and go. But make no mistake, this is not a cop out. I will go back, and it will happen by New Years Eve 2017. I've instituted my 5 year plan for a better life all around, and will make it happen. Every day I take another step in preparing for it, and hvae the mountains always in my mind.

I suppose the biggest reason I don't just get up and go is that there are things I want out of my life other than mountains. Big shock, right? But think about it, I want to live my life on my terms. I realize that opportunities will exist in Colorado, but I'd be taking a step backward by starting over yet again and moving to an area with a higher cost of living. I want to get myself in order, then build up to that eventual goal.

It'll come.

Meanwhile, if you don't like my bitching......get over!

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