Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why I Blog?

I blog for many reasons. It started in May because I was lonely and tired of having no one to talk to. I had people to talk to, but it would seem that's not enough for me. I need to be able to get thoughts out as they happen, which is where this blog comes in. I can say what's on my mind as it's occuring, unfiltered, and have an easier time processing it this way.

Knowing it's for a blog forces me to be honest with myself on the blog. I know something I post publicly could come back to haunt me one day. I don't want that, but i don't wanna lie to myself about any of what I'm going through, so I make it public because that makes it have a sense of accountability to what I say my goals and actions are, and to what i'm feeling and why.

I blog for selfish reasons, but at this point I feel that it's a necessary part of who I am. It helps me see easily where I've been and when, and let's me easily remember why certain things happened. It'll help make a great autobiography one day, but that's not the point.

The point is that I blog for me and me alone. If anyone else enjoys reading it, I'm greatful. If anyone else has a problem with things I say, they have that right. But I do this for me, and me alone.

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