Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Meet Kelsey Webb.

I met Kelsey when I worked at Clear Channel as WTVN's traffic Producer. I was the guy who answered the traffic tip line during the afternoon drive when it was first instituted. Then I moved away from Columbus, left my job at Clear Channel, and lost touch with most of the people I knew there. If it weren't for twitter and Facebook, I'd have lost touch completely.

A couple of years ago, I saw that Kelsey had joined Dave and Jimmy. While I was proud of her move up, I was a little jealous. She was getting where she wanted to be, and moving up the ranks. I left media to follow a relationship to a different state, and was now working in grocery. Jealousy was a natural reaction in that situation, but I was also proud of her.

I just saw that Kelsey changed her Facebook status to Engaged. I'm again proud of her, and happy for her good news, but seeing this caused me to reflect a little. She stayed in and worked up the ranks to get where she is, and I'm happy to see that from her, but what about me?

Well, I'm no longer jealous of it. Jealousy is a childish emotion, and i try not to allow myself to be ruled by childish ways. I'm 30, it's beyond time to be past that. Besides, truth be told, even though I don't believe in fate or karma, I kinda feel like the way that things played out for me in life lit a fire in me which cemented my dedication to get what I want out of life once and for all, and on my terms. And now, after the crumbling of a 12 year relationship and a virtual pressing of the reset button of my life in 2011, it's almost like things fell into place for me. I wish I'd never left radio, but at the same time I feel like if things had just worked out for me and I'd never had to work shitty assembly line and grocery jobs, I'd not have been as dedicated to start my own businesses and fight as hard as I now find myself fighting to get my life where I want it to be.

As for things working out for Kelsey's career during her 20's, and me just gaining a career footing as an entrepreneur at 30…….it's like I always used to tell Sarah. It's not a contest. Things happen to people at different times in life, and for me I can say that rather than being consumed by career in my 20's, I was able to live a relaxed decade in relative comfort and not much despair. I can honestly say that I hope Kelsey never has to see some of the personal pitfalls I faced this year, but I can also honestly say that my drive and dedication would not be what it is right now if not for those pitfalls.

So yeah, it would've been nice to have had my career ambitions go a little more smoothly when I was in my 20's. It would've also been lovely for my mom not to die when I was 9, or for my father to have paid attention to the first 28 years of my existence, but those things didn't happen……and i wouldn't change it. It would've been great to not go through the pain and tribulations of life, but having gone through those things I feel like I'm a better person for it. I feel like the kind of person I am today was etched in by those tribulations, and that life experience is not something I'd trade…..ever.

So Kelsey, congrats on the engagement and the career. I wish you the best for a bright future. I'll be anxiously awaiting your wedding photos on Facebook!

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