Friday, January 20, 2012



I just paid off my credit card with them as a 31st birthday present to myself! (I turn 31 on Monday).

This is a great feeling!

Now the next debt in line will be my NTB Citi Card. THAT one will feel great, because I didn't know I was signing up for a credit card. I thought I was financing tires on a 6 months same as cash payment. The employees at NTB in Marion put it that way, saying that I'd have 6 months to pay it off! Instead, what I signed up for was a Citi card, and there were minimum payments due almost immediately that I could not afford. So my credit really suffered at the hands of NTB and Citi not making it clear what I was actually signing up for. This card was not wanted, and it's been a thorn in my side for a year now. I planned to pay it off with my school overage, but it wasn't in the cards. Then I lost my job over the summer, and this card started racking up late fees like you wouldn't believe.

I almost considered a lawsuit against NTB and Citi for not making these terms clear in the first place, and that option is still on the table.

Needless to say, I'm looking forward to that one being gone. But I couldn't pay it off first, since i can't use it for emergencies. It's only usable at NTB. So I needed to pay off the card that could be used for emergencies first. Now that this is done, the Citi card will follow.

Even though I'm really pissed off at Citi and NTB because of their negligence, I may decide to keep this card open when it's paid. After all, if I have an auto emergency, I can use this card for that purpose. But then again, I'd have such a sense of satisfaction paying off that card that I would be tempted to go to the NTB store and burn the fucking card in their parking lot in full view of their employees. So we'll see.

For now though, I am going to drink my beer, grab a pizza, and celebrate. Happy birthday to me!'

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