Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr......

Well, today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. As I begin my day, I'm preparing to record one an incredibly talented African American female vocalist. I find it an interesting parallel that I would have this booking on this day, because without Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, this talented vocalist would not be given the same chances in life that she is today simply because she's an African American.

I've never been racist, and find the whole idea to be something generated out of complete and total ignorance. Despite the racist attitudes of the small Southern Ohio town I was raised in, I kinda always knew it was bullshit.

So today, as I prepare for my recording session with K Nacole, I have to say thank you to the commitment and dedication to Civil Rights that MLK showed. Not many can say they actually changed the world for the better, but nothing less can be said about this man.

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