Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Nothing specific. We'll see where this goes.

I haven't written a crazy emo / money management / happy with life blog today!

Can't let that happen, but at the same time, I feel like I'd be blogging for the sake of having something to say. Can't have that either.

So here's what I'll do. We'll just give a quick financial update, and a shout out to my friend Jen Ray who successfully transplanted herself from Bloomington Indiana to Colorado Springs today! Jen, Godspeed, and I'm horrendously jealous ;)

That said, time for the financial quickie (that sounds dirty and expensive.....)

I was thinking earlier today about how good it feels to have reached the credit card milestone all by myself, just because I buckled down and dedicated myself to paying it off. It's not paid off yet, I'm waiting for the funds to transfer out of my savings into my checking so I can make that payment. That'll take about a week, because my online savings is with HSBC and not easily accessible. But the card is as good as paid. I'm down to around $169 on my balance after just a week, thanks to the studio work from this weekend, and when my $159 from savings comes in there's no reason to leave a $10 balance on the card, so I'll just handle the miniscule difference myself.

But as stated, this got me thinking about how good it'll be to be debt free. 6 months ago, I had 3 credit cards, a car loan, plus a mountain of debt to my Ex and my student loans. Now, two of the cards are effectively paid off, and when the last card and the car loan are paid off that'll give me an extra $220 each month. Obviously, this money should go to the mountain I have to pay off to my Ex and then saved for my student loans, but the point is that if I can't make any more payments than I currently make to those bills I'll still have $220 fewer in monthly expenses than I did 6 months ago!

That's just a small taste of the freedom that will occur when all these damned debts are paid off. These debts are about to become my bitch!

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