Thursday, January 12, 2012

So here we are.

As I posted earlier today, financially I'm insolvent. I suspected as much, but now that it's been confirmed I'm not looking at it as a negative. I'm 30, have no kids, don't have a mortgage.....I have an income from a few sources, and I've been giving myself the knowledge and tools to get out of this mess by my 5 year goal. So what if I'm insolvent now? Yeah, it sucks, but things could always be worse. I take this as good news, because now I have a visualization of where I need to go and how bad my situation is. Now I also have the formula that I need to know when I've reached a positive net worth! I also know now how to measure those steps, and am actively planning out the best ways to get myself out of this mess. I wish I'd paid attention earlier. I think that's one of the things that caused a major rift in my last long relationship. But perhaps it took that crumbling to wake me the fuck up, and now I'm much more optimistic about the future and what it'll take to get me the life I want to live. So here we are. Now we know. Now it's time to step up the game. 12/31/2017 - here we come.

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