Friday, February 3, 2012


Now that I've lost my job, it's a stressful time, but it's a different kind of stress than the stress I was fighting when I had the job. I feel largely relieved, if that makes any sense, because that job did cause me some serious stress (compounded by everything else I was undertaking, so it wasn't the job alone). Now, that falls to the wayside, and the stress of uncertainty is predominant, but it's somehow a little easier to take. It feels like a fresh beginning, a new chance to start over.

So now that I've been given the chance to start over, I'm dedicated to de-stressing myself. Stress has been proven to build up plaque in arteries, which increases the risk of heart attacks. I'm 31, and feeling a lot of stress, so if I want to be healthy long term, I need to stop the cycle.

I've been listening to relaxing piano music, taking me-time breaks, meditating, and am considering taking up yoga. Laura brought some dumbbells, a kettle bell, and a jumprope over, and we've been doing exercises (she's kicking my fat ass, cause she works out regularly….I mean LOOK at this….)

(….then look at this, where my stomach is the size of the Great Smokies….)

(……so yeah… But one thing is certain, whatever I do to reduce my stress, it has to be done.

So I'm trying not to let the uncertainty get to me too much. It is what it is, and I've navigated these waters before, but it's never fun. Now that it's happened, it's time to focus on bettering myself, my situation, and my health. Stress relief has to be a major part of that.